Thursday, January 26, 2012

I..."we" did it!


YEA!  The girls and I were successful and over the weekend we made the Valentine Heart project that I found on my friend's blog.

It was probably NOT the best picture of mother/daughter moments...but alas, we stuck it out and accomplished what we set out to do.  We have hung it in our kitchen by the table so that we can enjoy it at every meal & throughout the day (when we're home)!  I LOVE having some decorations up!  And it inspired me to update my wreath at the front door.

Fun & festive!  It works from now through April (in my head anyway)...Timberlyn was with me as we ventured out to Michael's with a 40% off coupon and no idea what we were searching for...until I found it.
Once we were home and hung it up she was so excite to tell daddy about it and how beautiful it was and how she "loved it"!  CUTE!  Maybe I can get her shopping after all...well, I can dream!

I love Valentines...probably for a myriad of reasons but for some reason even more this year.  (I'm wondering if it's a stall/distraction tactic as the NARM is the following day, Wednesday, February 15th) maybe if I focus hard enough on Valentines then it'll just magically take care of itself?  Dreaming again, I know!

So, that's one project down and 2 to go!! And unfortunately I'm setting myself up for FAILURE with regard to sticking to that limit!  I joined pinterest today!  I thought I had been on before and already done it, but maybe I was just was for "real" and holy moly is it addicting!  I think I already have 3-5 things I want to try to bake/make.  EVIL I tell you, evil!  I am trying to stick to my guns though!  I plan to try my coconut caramel cookies sometime next week, and then Timberlyn's cupcakes are well, for her birthday party...and I may have decided to add a small something to her friends goodie bags that would entail baking...but both of those would be after I complete the NARM...hence why I purposefully scheduled her party for the following weekend as opposed to the weekend before (as her birthday actually falls).  =)   Good thinking!

1 comment:

  1. Very pretty. Now, just don't say anything with my Christmas wreath on my door... :)
