Monday, January 9, 2012

It's not so bad

I made myself not "journal" yesterday on I didn't want to set a daily post expectation and two I wasn't sure how it would affect my mental take on this blog/journal posting thing.  So, that's that...taking it a day at a time.

My last post was a positive one about things I'm noticing right off the bat with the new stance if you will...and then (probably because I posted it) negativity!  Not that I expected everything would be rosy from now on (I know better) but I hate how you can practically guarantee the mood change.  It was really nothing that bad...a moody husband (and I can assure you I'm not Mrs. Positivity, so trying to carry my own load and pull someone else out of theirs is a bit much!) and constant kids!  Basically being "all in" means I come last.  This is not a pity party and when I think about it I understand the broad scope; however, it's not "fun" and it's exhausting!

So, perhaps the boot camp came at a good time!?
How did the first day go?  Well, it wasn't so bad.  Trust me I can assure you that I won't always be so eager at 4:30 in the morning, but was relieved to start the first day on a good foot!  The bootcamp was a bit more lax than I was expecting.  I still got a decent workout in, but I just expected to be run a bit harder...and not hear comments from fellow classmates about how they're just gonna walk and asking where Starbuck's is located.  REALLY!?!?  Oh well, looks like I'll be tuning them out and setting some personal goals.
It's also nice to know that after using this as a jumpstart to the year, the group classes I do at the YMCA will be perfect.  They are just as challenging (if not more so than what I experienced today)....although to be fair maybe the coach was going a bit easier on us since it was Day 1.  I did decide to do a little something extra today and did a 45-minute spin class with Taylor followed by a few minutes of the stair climber afterwards.  Can't say I'll be able to keep the double classes up but since I've still managed to avoid grocery shopping I did not make wise choices today and had to burn them off.


  1. Does going "all in" really mean you come last all the time? That's not how I understood your definition from your first post (I could have missed something though!).

    To me, going "all in" means you are living in the moment, being a part of each member's of your family's lives, and enjoying the life that God gave you. Taking risks and being brave. In order to do that, some focus has to be on you... otherwise, mental exhaustion will take over.

    Just my two cents... don't kill me.

  2. Yes, you are right! Sometimes though when I just want to sit and study and the kids need me or something else pops up I have to put myself/my desires aside and be "mom".

    And, last friday instead of going to the gym when it was just me up I chose to take advantage of that time to study so that at a decent hour I'd wake Steven up and be a motivator to him to go to the gym with me. (sacrifice of time and class for me to help pull him along and get him out of a funk).

    But yes I LOVE the perspective and thoughts! Thanks friend!
