Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Valentine's Day...better late than never!

I resolve to keep up I say!

So to be fair I lost my camera charger (I take the blame, still have NO idea where it went)...and was faithful to take pics of my cookie project (see previous post) and Valentines...and due to the OCD in me I could not write/publish a blog without said pics...thank you Ed!  My hubby saved the day and found a charger and I'm back in business.  (and not so stressed about tests/results/etc.)

Valentine's day...was awesome!  Not so much the day, but everything surrounding...See on the actual Day of Valentines I was working, mentally anguishing/lamenting over the NARM I'd take the next day and physically driving up to Austin to read/pour over material and vent with a friend.  I love my friends!

As a result, this year Steven and I celebrated early...Saturday, Feb. 11th.

In the past one of us takes Valentines and another our anniversary since they are less than 1 month apart.  We have decided not to do a huge thing on Valentines because Timberlyn's birthday is super close (Feb. 12th) and well, I have conflicting swings behind the marketing of a holiday vs its can really become overwhelming I tell you!

I've also in recent years learned to head the advice of another friend...a past co-worker who had gone through the pain of divorce who shared with me how there came a time when they (her and her ex) didn't really celebrate things like that anymore...they'd get a "joint gift" (if there was something they needed) and call it a day.  Basically I took from it that they stopped dating.  They stopped doing the things you'd do if you were single and liked somebody and wanted to show them that.

That makes me think...and makes me sad.

I know there are lonely people out there...and I know everyone is tempted at some point.  (Everyone's trigger is different; but the point is I don't want to let it get a foothold!)

All that to say...commercialized or not I want to celebrate Valentine's day with MY love!  I can go as deep or not as I want.  The important thing is that I do SOMETHING!

Fast forward....and I'm queen of remembering the details, the small off the wall comments people make.  I turned that into a great Valentines gift...except for one problem...

Did you notice the TWO boxes in the back?  Well I purchased one of a GREAT deal! (and I got the tin of shortbread cookies that my hubby made the comment he had fond memories of/misses/and loves them!)....and HE PURCHASED THE OTHER!  Apparently he wanted one so much that instead of waiting a few days for Valentines (to see what in the world his wife could have possibly given him) he'd just go ahead and get it!  Darn it!  Instead of letting it bother me too much, I resolve that I got him something he really did want!  (we blessed someone else with the other)
I chalk this up to a score for me and a lesson in patience for him!

Then it was my turn...and I must say I was pleasantly surprised by the "gifting" presentation!

A smorgisborg!  I loved it!  and what was even better??  Check out what was in the bag....

Not sure if any of you "follow me" on Pinterest but if you do you may or may not have noticed that I "pinned" that little number on the right and commented "something I want for Timberlyn".  It's the most fabulous (yes, I sometimes talk like that) retro swimsuit for my sweet girl!  (Why is it a Valentine's gift to me??  Because it's from Janie & Jack and I refuse to indulge in it myself...but you see if it's a gift...well then that's different!)  I was SO SUPER EXCITED!  and then a little scared/ see that means my husband is stalking me!  I didn't tell him I was on Pinterest!  He searched, he looked, he found me, he checked out my boards and he went shopping!!   (this puts things on a whole new level folks)
Oh yeah, for those curious...the pic was a painting he did with Timberlyn, underneath are some new cookie sheets and the two rolled up mats are not stick surfaces that should help to make flawless cookies....mmm cookies!

We did go out to dinner too...a place named Ray's in Fulshear.  (Very fancy/chef place = pricey) We've been before and he loves it.  It's good but I just love being with him and making him happy.  (I could also do a $20 or less burger place....Mmm 5 Guys & spicy fries)

1 comment:

  1. A long time ago, my grandmother did something similar... bought the video I had picked out for her birthday. Ever since then, there's a "no shopping a month before" rule in my house! :)
